Don’t Buy the Big Lies is a project of The Good Shepherds Outreach which is based in the Charlotte NC area, but through current communication technology can reach throughout the state and into the entire United States. Shepherds looking out for their flocks and sheep is a recurring theme in the Bible.
This mission seeks to call back Christians who have drifted away from or become inactive in a Christian congregation that they had joined and even into which they were baptized and had joined in the study and practice of the Gospel—the sheep that are lost.
Recently, some leaders have claimed to be Christian messengers or even to be acting on a divine mission, but their teachings and actions are contrary to the Gospel. They are the savage wolves in sheep’s clothing warned about in Matthew 7:15 and Acts 20: 29-30 who will take the sheep, elect, or pilgrims off the path set out by Jesus, and on the path that leads to burning with the chaff. Matthew 16:27; Matthew 13:37-43.
The Don’t Buy The Big Lies campaign is specifically to call out to all Christians individually, by congregations, by churches, and by denominations, and ask that they join in proclaiming their faith in Jesus and standing with the portion of Christians who have already done so.
The call is spread through all media, word of mouth. preaching and example.
Although this is currently a small mission with a volunteer workforce, we are creating a network of churches and should be able to provide information and local counseling to people requesting it using the Contact Us feature of the website.